Saturday, May 26, 2018

Getting Ready

It's an even year so its time for another longish walk. This year I chose to walk the Offa's Dyke, a walk my parents took in 1995 when they were practicing for the Appalachian Trail. They kept a hand written diary that included counting all the stiles, sometimes in the 40s in one day of walking, so of course I'll be counting them too.

What is a stile, you may ask - typically steps that allow people but not animals to cross from  one field to another. See picture below.

As I'm getting everything ready for the trip the big question for the day has been what knitting and how much to take.... currently it may be yarn for 1 or 2 pairs of socks, 1 lace weight shawl, dishcloths, will that be enough, what about linen for a summer top? Natasha says no, but I may just sneak it in.

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